Author Topic: Antlers  (Read 26355 times)

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Offline mullet

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Re: Antlers
« Reply #15 on: April 03, 2016, 06:50:58 pm »
Wow those racks look good for Florida. All ranching around here and very little farming.
Lakeland, Florida
 If you have to pull the trigger, is it really archery?

Offline crooketarrow

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Re: Antlers
« Reply #16 on: April 10, 2016, 02:25:11 am »
   Sleek a lot of people use that I'M A MEAT HUNTER. Because hunting doe's is all know. Makes meat hunting easy.

  I shoot a doe or 3 alone the way. But around here when a buck hit's 4 1/2 he might not be a 130". But he'll go 200 pounds. WHO'S PICKING A BANGER HERE who's the real meat hunter here.

  Sorry sleek just venting earlyer had the I'm a meat hunter speach.  Bud you boys are missing the big picture. If shooting a few does is all you wish out of hunting so be it.

  I passed that stage years ago killing doe's for food for real.

Offline Eric Krewson

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Re: Antlers
« Reply #17 on: May 02, 2016, 10:17:49 am »
I have hunted places where there seemed to be a deer behind every tree and other places where one could hunt for two weeks and not see the first deer.

My best spots would be clear cut, change hands or have some other drastic change that sent me looking for a different place to hunt.

One of my best leases had comercial (selling deer meat) spotlighters killing deer every night year round out of the bean fields, deer sightings went from 20 a day while hunting to rarely seeing one. Game wardens finally caught the spotlighter but the land was clear cut the following year.

On the land I currently hunt, big time farmers killed over 90 deer in one year on the land around the farm I hunt on crop depredation permits. Deer sightings plummeted. We still hear that tripod mounted .300 Win Mag  go off on a regular basis when we hunt and know the farmers are still at it.

My point is; people with an abundance of big bucks look down on us folk who fill the freezer with whatever, but everyone's situation is different.

Offline burchett.donald

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Re: Antlers
« Reply #18 on: May 04, 2016, 11:13:55 am »
       I'm pretty sure that NA didn't care how big the horns were...I also think that a mature doe is a supreme trophy...They generally are 10 times more cautious...With primitive tackle I will take any matured deer and be proud and have some real good vittles to boot...If a Pope & Young walks by at 15 yds. well of coarse that would be nice...I don't usually bring up numbers but I have around 35+ bow kills, ranging from mature does to 19" spread 9 point, and I was proud of every one of them...I wouldn't consider myself a " Meat Hunter" just a well accomplished "Deer Hunter"...
       A person who goes in the woods with a primitive bow and kills mature does on a regular basis is a supreme hunter and has my highest respect...

« Last Edit: May 06, 2016, 06:16:47 pm by burchett.donald »
Genesis 27:3 Now therefore take, I pray thee, thy weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, and go out to the field, and take me some venison;

Offline JoJoDapyro

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Re: Antlers
« Reply #19 on: May 04, 2016, 12:20:56 pm »
Private land hunts here in Utah will run you some cash. Farmers get land owner permits and will sell them if they have a good number of animals. Private Hunting "Clubs" (Deseret Land and Livestock, owned by the LDS church) cost far more than just a simple land owner tag. The vast majority of hunting here is done on public land, and access is open to all. You never know who is going to stumble into your area. WE have limited entry hunts that are on a lottery system, and then just open areas. There are some good animals if you're willing to work. Here are 2 monster desert bucks. Hers was her first deer ever, it'll never be the same for her!

If you always do what you always did you'll always get what you always got.
27 inch draw, right handed. Bow building and Knapping.

Offline half eye

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Re: Antlers
« Reply #20 on: May 05, 2016, 02:44:01 pm »
Hey Roy,
     Please post up yer recipe for them horns sir >:D I'd be mighty grateful.

Offline crooketarrow

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Re: Antlers
« Reply #21 on: May 05, 2016, 11:31:35 pm »
  I can do that if you can tell me how to stop those stakes from smelling up the wall.

  I  arrowed a bunch 3 and 4 year old doe's. I also killed a 7 1/2 and a 8 1/2 year old. That 81/2 was killed with a stone point at 6,7 yards. She came to a fawn call.  She was really poor I could see all her ribs.

  If I want some meat I ride out to a hill top take my 280 along. I shot 49 bucks couple 100 doe's with it. I still shoot a few does each year. I quit shooting bucks in o4. I still shoot a few doe's and let a few others doe' hunt. I have to here. In the winter of 98 I shot on permit 111 deer.

  But when I want to hunt and not just shoot. I do'nt doe hunt doe's with a bow. Yes I've killed dozzen when younger. But for me there only 2 things I really enjoy bow hunting. That's mature bucks and gobblers. And not with a rifle or shot gun.

  And not jakes that like arrowing spikers or forkies.

  Ok but you have to tell me how to get those doe stakes to stop stinking after a few weeks.

  I think someone wanted to know about selling any racks.. Took me 1000's and 1000's of hours to kill all of them and I ate good along the way. But they'll be something for the grand kids to fall on someday.

   Sorry jojo I've shot a few mullies. All my shots were from 333, 388 and another one at 544 yards. Not much fun in that unless their over 200 inchs.

  I'd like to go hunt with a self bow, coe's deer and not meat hunt doe's either. COE'S mature buck with a Osage, dogwood arrow, stone point. That would beat a 100 rifle mullies.

  DONAL by the way you talk you I can tell you set up where you can see and shoot a lot of different kinds and ages deer.

  Where I set up DONAL I see just a deer or 2. But they'll be 3,4,5 year old bucks. Not a chance in hell of a mature doe walking by me any does. Unless there ran to me.

I quit setting up where I'd see a lot of deer many moons ago. Those mature bucks will only show thereself's 3,4 days of the rut in the day light out in the open. my way I have a chance everyday plus those 3 or 4 rut days.


Offline Josh B

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Re: Antlers
« Reply #22 on: May 05, 2016, 11:52:36 pm »
For what it's worth Don, I agree with you.  Those ol boss does are pretty dang smart.  I also agree with you on not usually bringing up numbers.  Keeping count always seemed like it sort of cheapens the whole experience.  I had my time hunting the big bucks in my youth, I finally realized that if I want horns I can pick em up in the spring when they fall off.  A nice fat doe is much better eating.  Oh...and crooketarrow, regarding your comment to sleek about your 200 lbs. buck making you the real meat hunter....he doesn't have to travel very far to take does bigger than that.  Josh

Offline osage outlaw

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Re: Antlers
« Reply #23 on: May 06, 2016, 12:20:13 am »
crooketarrow, how are you aging the does that you shoot?  How are you aging the bucks?
I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left

Offline BowEd

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Re: Antlers
« Reply #24 on: May 06, 2016, 04:07:46 pm »
I think crooked arrow is misunderstood here.I suspect he's spent more time in the woods than most talkng here.Personally I've had enough fun years shooting does.They are good eating for sure.Eating the biggest buck I've ever shot and tasted just as good.It's a matter of what you have time to do.If crooked arrow has time to wait out a big buck coming by.More power to him.The guy just doe hunting probably does'nt have the time it takes to harvest a big old buck.Shoots the first thing that comes by.Good.And believe me it takes a hunter to harvest these big bucks most times not just luck.Don't be fooled.I know for a fact a 1.5 year old doe has one fawn/a two year old can and does have twins.I've seen triplets here too.That's in a good year.After that the size is that matters.You can see big old mature 3 to 5 year old does.
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Offline Lumberman

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Re: Antlers
« Reply #25 on: May 06, 2016, 05:12:42 pm »
I don't think I've killed a doe over 3 years old they are hard to keep in range in my experience. It kills me when they seem to have that sense something is out of place even when the wind is good.. Older does (not that I got to hop down and check their teeth) are the only deer I have ever seen walking through the woods checking UP in the trees as they went along. Also a big mature buck does not taste nearly as good as a younger deer in my opinion. I don't shoot yearlings mostly because if I am going to do the work butchering I want to get more than what they offer. Also I bowhunt a lot but I will shoot a younger buck if come January there is space in my freezer. I passed up several year and a half olds and a few 2 1/2 this past year only to shoot a smaller 2 1/2 year old the last week of the season. One I had passed up twice already. Everyone's situation is different. It'd take a bit of ignorance to assume everyone else should adhere to your approach (that's not aimed at anyone). People on this site sure seem to have a good understanding of that  though  :D

Offline BowEd

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Re: Antlers
« Reply #26 on: May 06, 2016, 06:06:29 pm »
Yes everyone's situation or laws in their state can be different.Personally I can get four to five tags for under 50 dollars.That's a lot of deer in the freezer if all filled.Two deer a year are plenty in my world for meat.I used to think that does tasted better than bucks too but my latest buck tastes just as good.Maybe because he was'nt chased all to heck after shot I don't know.Being patient for a nice one takes a hunter no doubt.Does are a problem alerting everyone.They take the motherly mode of protection to an aggravating level.I've gotten aggravated enough by them to hit them with a blunt to chase them away.
Back to the subject here.Crookedarrow.....Around here racks are all over the place at residences in the country.In their sheds and in their houses etc.Nice to see your collection there too.Stay after them.
You got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything.

Offline Josh B

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Re: Antlers
« Reply #27 on: May 06, 2016, 07:08:52 pm »
Ed, I don't think there's much of a misunderstanding here.  Crooketarrow is always the braggard and if you don't do it his way you need to wisen up and all that.  It's the in your face attitude that torques everyone.  If it were not for the condescending post to Sleek about hunting meat, I wouldn't have bothered posting.  Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against folks who want the big trophy.  More power to them.  It's just not for me anymore.  That's not to say I'm not tempted every now and then.... Josh

Offline crooketarrow

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Re: Antlers
« Reply #28 on: May 08, 2016, 01:42:49 pm »
  Osage not by the points. I learned alonggggggggggg time ago and its all way on going learning.

   First let me say ageing deer your using a generalized realization. Deer are like people there all different. Yet all the same.

There's a dozzen ways to help you deside just how old that buck is. If I get a good 10 second look at the deer. I can tell you at a fair saying how much old he is. If he lets he get a really good look. No problem.

  Here's 3 questions you always ask yourself when you see a deer.
  (1) why he's there
  (2) where he come from
  (3) where's he going.
  Simple thing to do. Do it for years you shortly you'll see a patteren.
 In grade it unto your hunting. You'll see why to do it.

   A 3 year old looks like a young staltion smooth and slike. Is the same as young man just out of his teens and has moved into his early 20's His mussle's are starting to look more definded. He looks the part. No belly sag or back sag straight back. He'll start to gave a brisket. Same as a young mans chest. But it won't be to notisable in front of his front legs.  Here a 3 year old will weight 160 to 180#'s. Most will look darker with age. That will range where your at. ALL CORN,BEANS,ALFA around here.

  I watch all of my bucks in the beans in AUG.SEPT. I KEEP TRACK OF THE BUCKS I'LL BE HUNTING. So I can watch and see the age of the bucks Around me. Lots of summers I vidio and see over 100 bucks. Last year I saw 65 bucks with in a mile in 4 bean fields.

At 4 you start seeing single mussles well definded neck, shoulders,hind quarters. Like a 35,40 year old man. He'll have a start of a belly and back sag. His face,jaws well also start to sag. His brisket will look more developed. And look big, well see between is front legs. Again maybe a little darker after summer sheding.

  A 5 year old well look the part of say a 50 year old man. Big sag in his back and a big pot belly. His whole face and jaws will be sagging. His bristet big look big and stick out well past his legs and it will look like it well up on his heck. Older the buck longer the black area of his brisket.

  Just like sue gravity starts to take over. Around here And this has happened a a dozzen farms I hunt or have manged. When bucks hit 5 1'2 they seam to disapear. I only see then in the beans in late summer.

  Not many areas that can produce 6 year olds without some sort of protection. Somewhere he can grow old. This is what I try to do in areas I buck hunt. I set up sankurys and never go in them.

   A wild deer at 61/2 will start to look older say a 60 year old man. He'll look the part with a lot of saging.  6 1'2 he'll look grayer in the face maybe not as dark as he use to be.
nt or let anyone shoot any bucks younger than 3 1/2's. I have 2 sons that I made them let young bucks walk. If I let you doe hunt, no fawns. It could be a button buck I might arrow 4 or 5 years from now.

  You boys can laugh all you want because they ar''t mid west bucks. But I kill what we have.  But every horn you see I killed it. You hunt the way you want I do. You'll keep shooting those doe's. I'll keep arrowing bucks when they reach 3 1/2.

  If you like to learn to age bucks you'll never do by seeing a buck or 2 a year. Watch hunting shows no better way of see mature buck after mature buck.

  Osage I glass bucks for hours on end and have did the same for so many years it's just some thing I do. Not sure if that quifie's me to age buck's or not but it worked for me for the 25,30 years I arrowed mature bucks.

  Gun doc your right I do sound like that when I type. I learned that a long time ago. I'm not saying you have to do it my way. Just that my way works for me. Sorry to me it's not braging. Again in person I'm nothing like the way I sound typeing.

  When I type my alter ego comes out.

  One other time people on here don't seam to put my buck hunting into prespective. I don't go and wait out bucks. I hunt beding areas in the evening. Either by thir design or mine makeing sankurys. Mature learn to bed in quicky.

  I know where their at (bedding areas). So I have a starting area, I know where he's already at. Bucks only move for food,doe's, water. I set up ground sites the year or years before. Wait on right wind ,time. My sites are as close as I dare to bedded buck.. I need him to get up and get to me in the day light.

 MY HUNTS ARE NEVER OVER A HOUR unless the ruts involed.  I know he's not likely to get up and move until that last 15, 20 min's before dark anyways. But I have to be close enough for him to get to me in the day light. LONGER YOUR THERE THE MORE LIKE'Y HE'LL KNOW YOUR THERE.

  There's the bases of one tactic I used for unteen years. And it dose work.

  GUN DOC my old lady has said the same thing for years. She says as soon as we get in ROYS WORLD things well be alot better.

Offline Josh B

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Re: Antlers
« Reply #29 on: May 08, 2016, 03:36:48 pm »
I guess in some ways I can relate.  About coming across wrong anyway.  I, too struggle with the written word from time to time.  I know that I come across much harsher than intended at times.   Sometimes I sound like a real donkey.  Every once in awhile that is intentional, but not nearly as often as is perceived.  Without benefit of inflection, facial expression and body language that is to be expected from time to time.  I will try to keep that in mind in the future.  Josh