Author Topic: 55" osage deer hide backed, FINISHED pic heavy  (Read 4375 times)

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Offline Parnell

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Re: 55" osage deer hide backed, FINISHED pic heavy
« Reply #15 on: March 20, 2016, 07:51:28 pm »
That bow looks great!  Sweet bend.  That's what its all about.

Offline Pappy

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Re: 55" osage deer hide backed, FINISHED pic heavy
« Reply #16 on: March 21, 2016, 06:26:33 am »
Beautiful bow Brad, very well done. Looks simple and effective.  :)
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Offline bradsmith2010

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Re: 55" osage deer hide backed, FINISHED pic heavy
« Reply #17 on: March 21, 2016, 11:00:07 am »
  thanks Guys,, the positive comments are really appreciated,,  :)
the bow is really fun to shoot,,I was worried the handle might be a bit wide,, but it shoots nice and arrow flight is great,,55 to 60# spine sitka spruce cut to 28 inches shoots the best,, I tried lots of arrows and it will shoot a wide range of weight and spine,,I shot one of the stone tipped dog wood shafts,, it went through my broad head target  and made a big hole in my bag target that was behind it,,,, I thought I had a bad spot so shot again, and it did the same thing,, sometimes I am not so smart :)
  Yes Gutshot there is a bit of hair on the skin,, I tried something different this time and I shaved the hair off with a razor and it left a gray stubble,, that is the nice color you see,, usually I soak in ashes and the hair falls out,, the skin is a little more translucent like that, but the stubble on is great too
   thank you Sieddy,,,whispering death would be a great name for a bow ,, the bow does shoot like a whisper,, hope to try it out soon
   Badly Bent,, the bow is Ishi inspired for sure,,,  the bow kinda made itself,, I new I wanted it wide as I could,, then had to narrow the handle for the arrow pass, I wanted a slight bend in the handle too,, if you want a bend in handle the gradual fades are key,, and that is the shape it wanted to be,, a pretty natural shape I think,,I like Ishi's bows, and they seem to be a good design for a shorter bow when you need more mass in a shorter working limb,, I think the tips could be more narrow ,, but I just stopped when it started shooting good, there is not any hand shock,,,so its a sweet shooter,, I did not weigh the bow but kept the mass principle in mind when making the bow,, the little set the bow is taking tells me I have about the right amount of wood in the bow for the draw length and poundage the bow is pulling,,( i hope) 
   I hope you guys get a chance to chase some turkeys too,,thanks again for looking, B :)
   I just went out to shoot the chrono,,, it will shoot a 498 grain arrow 157 fps at the 25 inch draw
« Last Edit: March 21, 2016, 11:20:48 am by bradsmith2010 »

Offline Will B

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Re: 55" osage deer hide backed, FINISHED pic heavy
« Reply #18 on: March 24, 2016, 01:45:47 pm »
That is a great looking hunting bow.  I love the raw hide backing.  Great job!

Offline bradsmith2010

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Re: 55" osage deer hide backed, FINISHED pic heavy
« Reply #19 on: March 24, 2016, 01:58:24 pm »
thank you Will B,, the rawhide did turn out nice on this one, it was very thin,, so it went on very easy,, and even formed around the string nocks very well, so I just left it on the tips too,, its hard to tell from the pic,, but it is wrapped over the edges to the belly,, I think it gives a bit of protection the the edge of the bow,, especially where I cut through some pin nots,,, I have been shooting it every day,, and it is a nice shooting bow,, and short enough to shoot out of tree stand or ground blind,, seems to be a very practical and  efficient,, I put several coats of tung oil on the raw hide,, then I put several coats of wax as well,, I think it will be weather proof to a point,, or at least a weather proof as me  :)