Author Topic: going for bankruptcy ( 70@28 49"ttt pics added ) chrono numbers pg 6 NOW SINEWED  (Read 40935 times)

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Offline sleek

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Tonight I lost patience and braced it. What a bear! 65#@22". Now its time to tiller this thing out back to 65@26, shoot it in some, then get some chrono numbers and pull it on back to 28 again. I sure hope it holds! Tillering these is an exercise in flinching.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2016, 05:26:40 pm by sleek »
Tread softly and carry a bent stick.

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Offline sleek

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Got it to 65@26. Im worried i got the inner limb bending too much. Fd pic tomorrow.
Tread softly and carry a bent stick.

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Offline sleek

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After unbrace, the profile was exactly what it was when i first made it before it took any set. I took half the deflex out when I sinewed it. It had 1.5 inches deflex after sinew, it has 3 now, which is what I built it with. So, the sinew did help. Because before sinew the bow had taken an inch of set.  That's gone now.

Seeing it lay perfectly on ots original lines makes me think I got the tiller perfect. Pics will tell tiller tree ( litterally a tree i loop the string on a branch and pull the bow down ) doeant allow a far away look see.

I shot it tonight. Id like to report ots super fast, but I dont think it seems any faster than before. I hope to chrono it next week. And shave some tip mass down as well.
Tread softly and carry a bent stick.

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Offline sleek

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I suppose I could include the new brace pic.

Tread softly and carry a bent stick.

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Offline Urufu_Shinjiro

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Nice, can't wait for full draw shots, not to mention chrono...

Offline bowmo

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Looks really cool! Highly deflexed shorties are a really neat way to get a long draw out of short wood.

Offline sleek

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Tread softly and carry a bent stick.

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Offline sleek

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Annnnnd at 78@28.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2016, 05:24:52 pm by sleek »
Tread softly and carry a bent stick.

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Offline sleek

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I am working on a fd chart now.
Tread softly and carry a bent stick.

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Offline sleek

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Tread softly and carry a bent stick.

Dont seek your happiness through the approval of others

Offline Josh B

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Looking at your force draw curve, I can see exactly where your recurves are doing there thing.  That last entry tells an ugly story however.  At 27" stack is showing by jumping 9 lbs.  Your entry at 28" would suggest that the belly is now thoroughly crushed.  It should have been an even more drastic jump in weight.  I'd almost be willing to bet that you're readings throughout the force draw curve will be significantly less than the first time you charted it.  The last inch must of been a smidge too much.   Josh

Offline sleek

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You may be right gundoc, i dont know. My set up isnt the most reliable. I notice i could gane maybe 3 pounds of draw an inch then the next inch i would gain 6 then 3 again. I think perhaps an average of every two inches of draw should be looked at instead of every inch.

Also, that draw chart was made after my pics were taken and every inch i measured, i drew back down before going to the next inch. That way i knew the wood was being worked.
Tread softly and carry a bent stick.

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Offline Swamp Thang

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Man I'm a lil jelly to tell you the truth.... I'll get there one day  :laugh: hopefully!

Offline Urufu_Shinjiro

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Wow! Now leave it the hell alone until you get it to a crono, lol, don't even look at it funny. Seriously though, that thing is pretty sweet man, good work!

Offline mullet

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  • Eddie Parker
Wow, that's a scary bend at the handle, or maybe it's the angle.
Lakeland, Florida
 If you have to pull the trigger, is it really archery?