got the deer hide on just now,
it was so thin it felt more like a snake skin,, so I have not wrapped it,, I think I will be able to just let it dry as is,,
I am watching it,, and if it seems to want to lift ,, I will wrap with ace bandage,, or string,,
I shaved the hair off with a razor before applying ,,, it still has a bit on there,, I can sand it off, or possibly leave it,,I will just see how it looks when it dries,,
this bow was made I will call "old school" I just made the bow the way it came out of the stave ,, no heat treating or bending,, the handle is a bit off center, but when strung lines up pretty good,,
I started to second guess myself,,and considered heat treating some reflex before applying the skin,,,I consulted an expert on heat treating, and he suggested ,, just to leave it since string follow was minimum ,,, my dry climate and long draw for the bow might be pushing it to try heat treating at that point,, good advice is seldom taken,, but I decided to take the advice given and leave it as is,,,
it should be dry enough in a week to string and do final tweaking on tiller,,and I will post full draw pics at that time,,, thanks for looking ,,, B