Well if you have time to go on a survival show, you have time to finish the hide! Dog gone it, we want pictures! Still think you should have cut it in the shape of a Sasquatch...... Just think of the phone calls to the peta nuts....... I think someone in my neighborhood killed a young Sasquatch, and he said he actually is going to tan the hide, the poor thing, probably suffered terribly, as this guy actually HUNTS, and he makes his own bow and arrows, please help us, I don't let the kids, outside any more, and when we have to go outside, we rush to the car, and drive away really fast. It is even worse coming home, if we drive by, and his lights are out, we don't know if he is outside or not, wrapped up in that poor creatures, skin!
Soooo, the pictures, please......
P.S. On a more somber side...... How is your neighbor doing now, after the loss of his child? Was just thinking about that the other day.