OK I'll show some pics here of the progress.Hopefully to a successful bow...lol.Get this ERC monkey off my back...lol.I'll put a slash and the word finished on this thread when I'm done.
I've mentioned things about it earlier here.This is the glue up on the form.Since I did'nt have a form and air pressure hose I used inner tube wrapping.It's pretty well known to work and in the past before I was on PA I did a half dozen bamboo hickory backed bows.A couple with horn bellies too.
This is just an ERC core with a maple backing.I've never been exposed to using power lams etc. and sorta understand their purpose though.
First since these limbs were 2" wide and using this wrapping method I used a pine buffer pressure plate to put pressure in the middle more.People have used rope etc. which should work too.Maybe someone might want to try this type bow someday.I'm sure there is different ways to accomplish this with the same results.
The pine buffer strips go on top of backing after wrapping back onto core with cellophane[keeps mess down] and then it's wrapped with the innertubing strips.

The dry fit onto the form after tapering the limbs

Now the wrapping.Since I used smooth on epoxy it can be heat activated or let to cure 24 hours at room temp.I've used c clamps too but don't like the spaces that can show up between the buffer pads or between the clamps if using a long buffer pad although I hav'nt seen smooth on fail usung c clamps though even on horn laminations.The thing about using inner tube is it's black.Set this bow out in the sun on a 90 degree day and it'll get to 150 degrees and cure in 5 to 6 hours instead of waiting 24 hours.

Above the wood burner since I don't have a hot box or a hot sun around me this time of year.

Specifics for using smooth on can be obtained from their site.Main thing is to get a thin even glue line the best you can.
Next is clean up and glueing overlays onto tips and tillering it to a bow.Not very primitive I know but it yields an all natural material good shooting type bow.I've seen many on here that are beauts using accomadating materials.