Someone a while back asked about a bighorn bow for hunting. They asked if I could do a 25+ inch draw bow. I had a trophy set of old horns with 30+" around each top curl. I'm not sure why this set of horns proved to be less temperamental than nearly any I have worked with, but the entire process of sinewing and seasoning over 6 months the bow developed no twist. I was able to get a longer useable limb from one horn and like always can not bring myself to cut anything off something so valuable. The bottom limb measured from the handle to nock is 20" and the top is 21.5. I love the feel of shooting more center in a short bow and became a deadeye target testing this bow. The handle is just a lap splice with 2 coper rivets and a thick wrapping of sinew. The tips are a sinew wrap nock.
Overall length along the curve nock to nock is 46.5". The bow has a 48-50# draw at 26"