Just finalized this bow which also caused some problems like my other project (Bamboo-Cumaru-Massaranduba) introduced in another chain. Because of the "scrap" quality of osage from web shops (you US guys get the better billets...;-), a branch residue started to generate splinters outside of the handle area in the lowerlimb during tillering and I had to patch it with a slice of osage. Unfortunately this patching was not sufficient and I had to fasten that spot with dacron after test shooting the bow. Anyway, it´s now smooth to draw bow and otherwse behaves well.
First the Osage Orange billets have been W-joined with epoxy, then all the slices have been glued together with some reflex with Unibond-800 and left over osage added on handle to give thickness. The nocks are from domesticated water buffalo horns (upper one rare white) and the strike plate from cow horn. The string is 16 strands of dacron and the handle is made of leather got from my old bag. After test shoots some dacron was added to secure the probelm spot below the handle. A tassel added as decoration at that spot as well. Several layers of TruOil has been used to seal the bow, also the dacron band. Other specifications can be seen in the pictures.