Congrats, sir!
Wait at least 5 yrs for the next. Don't wanna have two in college at same time.
Yep, the Germans used to and maybe still do, space their children four or five years apart, so the first will be old enough to help take care of the second, when it is old enough to get around.
Congratulations on your new little alarm clock! Life as you once knew it, is no longer available. Oh, and be careful handling your newborn, they leak!
Go on line and get a surplus, Swiss gas mask, or a couple family sized jars of Vicks Vapo Rub, to put in your nostrils, when Henry gets old enough for solid foods!
Oh boy, catfish stink bait is like night blooming Jasmine, compared to a baby on solid food!
I don't have kids, unfortunately, but I have Nieces, Nephews, and Friends, that have kids, and I have been around each of them when they first started eating solid food, and I didn't stay around for dinner.
But again congratulations on your newest best buddy! Give Mom a big but gentle hug, for a job well done.