I do it all the time, except I usually just taper front to back and make a scarf joint. Sometime I just put a couple holes and bolt it together with flat head bolts, but sometimes I just pin it with dowels and wrap it with rawhide or cord. I'm in the middle of one right now made out of two ash shovel handles.
The hang-ups are this. The handle MUST be more than thick enough, with fades and dips that end far away from the splice, and a good bit into the limb. This is to avoid flexing the handle much where the grain is cut through on the underside splice. I put the splice mostly in the handle and wrap the heck out of it. I usually thin some Tb III just barely with water ad soak the hemp or linen cord in it before I wrap, so I goes down very smoothly, and I THINK it swells the cord, so it shrinks while it dries. Not much longitudinally, but some. When I'm done, it's hard and smooth, and sometimes, just like with sinew, I put it down in layers so it will dry properly. I have also wrapped it with baling wire, then wrapped sting and glue over that, or leather.