I have never had this "creeping" experience with TB III. It dries like a very hard plastic, but does have some flexibility to it, so I could see it being possible. I haven't made a laminated bow without a solid power lam for, like 16 or 18 years, though, so maybe my power-lams are saving me there. Just never had it happen.
Once, I remember the glue line at the base of the handle block going from barely there, almost invisible, to slightly wider, but it didn't spalt, lift, or develop a lip. I kept checking on it while hunting with that bow, and never could feel anything there. i guessed at the time that maybe the handle lams shrank a tad as humidity fluctuated, but since it wasn't a problem never got farther than that.
One thing I DID learn about TB III bows is to leave them on the form longer. I used to use URAC, which would be hard as a rock overnight, but I noticed that if I used the drying times suggested on the TB bottle, I would lose more R/D than I thought I should have. I started leaving them on the form a couple or three days, taking them inside in the winter, and even putting them in my car or hotbox, and it seems like they hold the form's shape better.