Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

shooting with a jerk ;-)

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I don't have the impression that khatra relates to the speed of loading and releasing an arrow. I have understood that khatra is aimed at reducing unwanted arrow oscillations by reducing the archer's paradox (thereby reducing lateral drag of the arrow during flight), through better control of the bow during release. See for example here

  That woud be a good science for flight shooters to study up on. My belief is that we are having a much bigger problem with geting the arrows out of the bow cleanly than we are speed. Flight arrows are som individually unique it is very difficut to tune. I thing finding a style of arrow that shoots best and then experimenting with release techniques is our best strategy.

Badger, you're probably right that there are lots of gains in controlling arrow flight (like this khatra stuff). Until now, I thought of release techniques as controlling your arrow hand. But the bow hand is likely crucial as well.
I did try shooting with a jerk yesterday, but that really wasn't as easy as I thought, requiring much more force and control than I had expected.

   I don't really think of it as a jerk, it is a quick but smooth motion. You want to get yur fingers off the string without allowing any forward creep of the string You want your bow arm slightly broken at the elbow so it is preloaded and ready to push forward right at release.

I do it when hunting, but a little more suttle, by squaring my shoulders and back muscles at the last second before release.


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