This is that gnarly chunk of elm I was working on, I managed to get a shooter out of it, not without a fight
but we negotiated a truce with each other. I heated and clamped this stave about 9 times. You can see the dents
that I put in the back removing twist forgot to pad the jaws of a cresent wrench I used

. Yes the lower limb is shorter
due to where I placed the grip, but thats where it shoots the best so I wasn't gonna argue with her. I have 500 arrows thru
her and she shows no sign of failing and shoots pretty nice for a crooked, gnarly old stick. I didn't get carried away with sanding and
finishing, so she has a few battle scars, finished her off with charcoal and pig fat(lard)
She may not compare with some of the gussied up pretty ladies ya see around here but in my eyes shes a beauty, just have to look past the surface
and see what on the inside
Her vital statistics:
47#@26" 57" NTN 1.5" at grip Mass is 18.25oz
Badger if ya see this please calculate the mass, I think she's bit fat

Still haven't decided on a name, I usually don't name a bow but this little lady deserves one. Suggestions are welcome.
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