Main Discussion Area > Horn Bows

Tillering horn bow?

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Sorry if I am asking dumb questions I am just new to horn bow making. So when you say tiller it before the sinew is applied. Basically are u just pulling the horn/core on tillering setup and using heat to correct the tiller that way.

No need to be sorry.  I've never learned anything without asking questions so ask away!  :)  Yes but to all only you want to reduce the horn by material removal before sinew backing.  So everything you just said only not by heating but by scraping.. Just like a wood bow. The heating is usually for after sinew backing. Once the sinew cures, start pulling the bow  on your tillering setup.  At that point it will be close to tiller so a little heating of the stiffer limb will relax it to match the less stiff limb. Then you should be done tillering.
If it is a horn and sinew only bow (no wooden core) I would recommend scraping horn from the back of the bow not the belly like wood bows. The back will get sinew so establish a perfectly flat belly early on and then tiller by scraping the back. Be careful and don't pull to much on the unbacked horn.  I've had them break.  You can get it close this way and then lay a single layer of sinew on the back. Let it cure.  Then tiller more, about 2/3 the final draw length.  If it looks good add the rest of your sinew, cure, and then if needed even the tiller with heat.

Very often the limbs bend differently during pre-tillering, and this is due to the different stiffness of the horn stripes (Assuming that the horn stripes and the core have the same thickness on both limbs). At this point it is better to scrap from the wooden core (if there is) and not from the horn. Leave the horn for the final tillering.

Anyone who wants to make a hornbow should have Adam Karpowicz book. Almost all your answers are there.

A perfect tiller is for a bows performance and long life, so I think it's important. Heat in the early tillering. Then once it is uniform, scrape or sand till the tiller is perfect.

Pre-tiller is done when horn is glued and the core is shaped (no sinew). I do not know "early" tiller, probably you mean the opening procedure when you use the asa gezi. Yes, this time heat is used to maintain symmetry.


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