Sunday I cut the string nocks in (chain saw file) "It". Last evening and this nasty, rainy day, I did some more shaping on the handle (almost done with that, I think), and some outter third limb tip thinning (believe I still need to do just about that much again there - but I'll do it in two sessions just to be sure - LOL)
Here's the handle pics:

Between rain drops I got my Tillering rig set up (I can quicklyly take the apparatus down and place it in the water proof ammo can on the table, between uses - leaving the bow clamp at the top, and the screw eye at the bottom). A real honest to dickens Tillering "Tree". I may move the rig into the carport later but right now I can't get to the posts, for the "stuff" in the way. "Animal" generously supplied the bow rest/clamp (his discovery) for me, as he had an extra (Y'all know Animal, he was the Drummer for the Muppets Band - LOL). Below is my first use of the rig, and it does real well. BTW, Animal, if you'll put a pully at both top and bottom, as I did, you may not feel like you need a "better", or "ball-bearing", type pully to replace the one you have. It'll double your pull, or half your energy expended, whichever way you want to think of it. The string I'm using here is a 62" (and should be about a 56") so it is still like a "long string" tiller (playing it safe for first try on this rig). Scale read about 35#, and that looks like it would only be at about brace height or a tad more, to me.
