Main Discussion Area > Horn Bows

50" Stone Sheep Horn Bow

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You may have just breathed some life into my project, CH!  Thanks.  I'm curious about the rack photo, also.  Is that an Osage in the center?

Thats great Parnell! Yes it is Osage. It was a previously very snaky piece that I straightened and now it's ready for sinew or rawhide.  It was carved with a single growth ring back as a self bow but I will back it. The top bow in the back is the first sinew-backed ash bow I ever made. The one infront of it is the second bison horn bow I made years ago.  The one that is strung below them is a glass "hybrid" horse bow that I made. And then the sheep horn bow is the lowest on the rack. Basically several experimental bows from years ago other than the osage and sheep horn bows.

It's very interesting work.  Glad you are here and you should really make it over to Twin Oaks, if you haven't yet.  Hope to meet you at The Classic in a few months!


Cool. Would love to see some pics of any of your finished horn bows. There's not many posted here

Love what you have going here. You are borrowing many designs to make your own unique sheep horn bow. I'm taking note of all the things you do differently than me that make sense. I have wrapped the handle before sinewing. Now I back it over 3 weeks and a few days after tha last layer I wrap the handle thickly. The sinew continues to shrink of course, so I cut it off after a couple , few months and put a new tight wrap on. For the record I corrected twist in one tip of a finished bow with a heat gun and it is fine. For anyone reading this- don't try any heat corrections for 6 months after adding sinew. It needs time to form complex bonds. I know from failure experience. I like to make my hornbows +10 pounds to compensate for the heavy physical weight. They also feel like they draw -10pounds. 
 I'll be looking for this finished bow in the future.


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