I started to shoot ine in today. I started at 25" after taking a quick look in the mirror and touching up the limbs a little. It shot great at 25" and shot it about a dozen times there. Took at to 26" and the same, shot good and hard. Then the first time pulling to 27" we got a pop. After looking it over it looked like a a crock opened up in the back running with the grain in te center of te top limb. And a little angle pulled out of one of the flipped tips. So I filled the crack with super glue before unbracing it. Then tomorrow I'll clean up the glue on the crack, which I figure will hold it fine. Then I'll try to put the bend back into the flipped tip and add a layer of cherry on the belly to stiffen it up so it'll hold better. But before that it shot very well.