I'll see you there saturday Pat.
Now here's the pics of the bows.Personally I think I'll send or part with the plain old reflexed bow 64"TTT&62.5"
NTN just made.The R/D bow is actually 62"TTT&60,5"NTN with the top limb a bit longer than the bottom.Shot in more too to 28".
Reflexed bow.It held a good 2/3rd's of induced reflex.Nice and actually the better shooter.
At rest
Drawn to 26"full draw.There's a little roller coaster on the bottom limb midway that makes it look a little hinged of sort but it's ok it's just the character of the bow and is'nt overly stressed there any.
R/D bow @ rest
Drawn to 26" full draw
I will leave it up to him whether to post other pics.Both bows have close to same amount reflex.Both osage.Both characterish.The plain reflexed one checked a bit on the back from heat treatment which actually to me looks pretty neat.Looks like it's from an old old aged post or something.
Thanks for looking.