Stoner I really like that idea! The hose connectors are readily available to me since my mom is in the home oxygen supply business!
I also really like the idea of punch notching from Outbackbob48 and can see that in my future!
Towers flaker definitely seems functional, especially for my style of knapping, and I may experiment with that too.
As I see all of these ideas, it brings back a few memories...
Several years ago I was doing a demonstration at a shoot and was using a sharpened nail notcher. Through some matter of fate and my luck of hurting myself in public, I slipped of the stone, plunging the notcher through the leather, my palm, and out the back of my hand. While studying my wound, I noticed some parents and children staring at me with worry and discomfort in their eyes, so I did what any sensible flintknapper would do and pulled it out and finished the point! Lesson learned there.