Good to see all this activity! We got Rich's old blizzard overnight and today -- were you done with that one, Rich?

I got the bend out of the Plan C bow somewhat using steam, and also heat straightened one tip slightly, but there's still some asymmetry unbraced. Braced the string is centered, so I'm going to say this is what this bow wants to be. To check that it still shot as good as it did I strung her up, grabbed a quiver, and headed out into a fresh 5" of snow (we had robins out here pulling worms out of the ground and 70 deg a couple days ago) . I figured nothing would be too slippery, all the ice was long gone. But promptly took a major crumple when I stepped on a piece of tin roofing that must have blown off the woodpile last night, and got buried in the snow. Slick as ice with new snow on it. Thought I felt something pop in the knee, the way I landed. But other than some minor pain, doesn't seem like I got injured after all.
Bow shot as nice as it ever has, so I called the main work finished, and shaped the handle a little better and got a sealer coat on it. Looking forward to finish work and Plan C is going to be a trade bow at last.