Yup, your right, they did, but I always gotta learn the hard way - me and electric fences - I did touch a metal wheelbarrow to one once just because I was told not too and boy it gives you a kick behind the knees!. The only reason I never licked a metal post in the winter was because I licked ice straight from the freezer instead

Glue lams are really strong, that's true but I don't like the way they look, and I have no machinery, not even a belt sander, and hand-prepping that many faying surfaces does not appeal.
The 40 year old riser on my fibre-glass-and-wood recurve is made of a single piece of mahogany with glued-in brass receivers, so a nice beefy piece of iron-wood with a re-think about the handle/bed junction based on that system is next up (with 4" beds!). If that doesn't cut-it then an I-beam sounds good. Any pictures of two and three part bows would be really helpful at this point.