ajooter, Drewster, Gutshot, Willie Ranasp, Swampman. Thank you gentlemen -- great pleasure to be making bows in your company!

The slight handle deflex was from set during tillering. I did very little manipulation except for light heat treating, mainly to add a small amount of reflex to the tips.
It is a board bow, though from a tree I cut myself and sawed up stacked and seasoned.
The photos were just stills from a short video I took -- it's hard for me to use a self-timer with ten seconds to get back to the bow and get everything accomplished for a decent photo. I found that it was a lot easier to just video a few arrows with the same camera, and just take decent frame out of the video for the full draw. So the arrow shot was a little due to that, and a little luck to catch it so perfectly still within a frame and clear of the bow. I saw that and thought it was cool enough to add.
I'm working on a strobed multiple photo exposure electronics project right now for bows --- we'll see if that works out or not.