Loope good luck with the big bend!
Mitch, doing a great job so far from the looks of the pics.
Swampman, classic looking bow with pretty tiller. Greaat work everyone!
I made a new tillering tree on the nearby shed outside today. It was zero F and blowing hard, so I did most of it in the house and then quickly screwed it to the shed siding with aa scrw gun. It was bitter cold with 30 mph gusts. I've been finishing up the old Plan A bow even though I'm not sending it out. It's a very nice bow, though 3 lbs under min weight. I also have been tillering the Plan B bow on the floor with a mirror. Been going slow on that. I'll switch to the new tiller tree when the arctic express leaves town! Oh, also was able to shoot the repaired Meare Heath bow yesterday. Looking forward to finishing that one off.