Main Discussion Area > Horn Bows

more horn questions and a very unexpected surprise.

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kid bow:
so my buddy was digging through his grandfathers garage and came upon a piece of black gold..... yes that's right he came upon a very nice pair of gemsbok horns one is 36 inches the other is 34. they are the full horn from base to tip. now my question is. how do I take this wonderful material and get it to the point where I can use it for a bow? mainly down at the base where all the ripples are in the horn.

Pat B:
I'm gonna move this to the "Horn Bow" section. better chance of an appropriate answer.

kid bow:
my apologies pat

Pat B:
No problem.  ;)

you have to saw down the centre, find a way to boil the half section till soft then clamp it flat, smooth the surfaces and you've got 2 horn belly laminations. some people have used the 2 horns whole inserted a wooden handle and used the horns whole, these types of bows dont shoot very well, they are more for looks.....the boiling and flattening isnt easy, at least it wasnt when I tried it....but dont take my words for it , I'm sure others with more experience of these types of bows have more and better info...


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