Badly Bent thanks for the positive comments on the project,,,
the bottom limb is a little wider,, but it is still to stiff,, I have been taking off the belly,, but if I wanted to make it more narrow like the top limb I think I could do it and still have pretty even tiller,, the top limb had so much reflex it has been getting a bit weaker as I shoot the bow in,, making the bottom limb seem stiff,,, the bottom limb has a thinner layer of sinew and is pretty broken in, so it is not shifting that much,, the top limb had never been shot in,,( that bow broke during brace) so it has been shifting a bit like sinew bows do,,after giving your question consideration,, I think I will try to even up the width from limb to limb and see what she does,, as far as the different woods,, it seems pretty much like tillering any bow,, I don't really notice any big difference,, and it shoots just like a "normal" bow,, arrow flight has not been an issue,, shooting off my hand the arrow leaves really smoothly,, usually if the tiller is funky,, the arrow will hit my hand on release,, this bow is smooth,,