This bow is from a stave I received in a trade from Dean Marlow, and my third osage bow. I appreciate all of the help I received with tiller and layout advice. I noticed that if I posted a question late at night, that I would often have an answer from an more easterly time zone by the time I woke up in the morning. The bow is 62" nock-to-nock and approximately 57# at 29". I deflexed the limbs at the fades, and it took about an additional inch and a half of set, leaving the recurved tips even with the back of the handle. The finish is 7 coats of tung oil rubbed with fine pummice to create a satin finish. I have only shot about 30 arrows through it during the shoot-in process. right now it is too cold and too snowy to even think about shooting.
comments and critique are welcome. Thanks for looking.