Hello there,
Some time ago I finished an ash sapling bow, my 4th bow, first non board bow. I found it growing through the fence at the dog park so they had to cut it anyways. It was 1" in one end and 1 1/2 in he other before I took he bark off. 68", around 50#@ 27. It had a little bit of natural R/D going on and I added about an inch of set. I honestly had no idea what I was doing with all the knots and twists, I had to straighten it a bit but I think it turned out ok after all. I'm not sure about the final tiller and we'll see how long it lasts. Sorry no FD, I'll add it when wifey comes home and take the picture. Taking good pictures btw was a pain, kudos to all you skilled camera operators! Mine kinda blows.
Also I cut another sapling yesterday but it had no leaves so I don't know what it is but i was hoping with your guys experience could figure it out. So I live in Minneapolis and there's a lot of Hackberry, Ash and Maples where I cut it. The wood was a little stringy, some sticky sap dripped out on the floor as it thawed and my dog chewed on some and it turned reddish (not blood, I checked). I was thinking maybe a soft maple?
Thanks for looking!