There are indeed several different standards for measuring spine. One way is to quote the "Deflection", or the ammount of bend under a standard pressure. Under this system, an arrow is said to be .400, .500, etc (Also known as 400, 500). To further confuse this system, there are two different standard pressures used . One system, called amo, calls for a 2 lb weight to be hung from the arrow, which is supported at two points 28 inches apart, the other system, called astm, uses a slightly lighter weight and slightly closer spacing of the supports.
Another way to express the stiffness is with numbers that represent draw weight like 50 lbs, 40 lbs. Or with GT brand carbons there may be a weight range like 15-35, 55-75.
It gets even more complex when you take into account the fact that arrows act stiffer or weaker depending on point weight and other factors .
Finding the right spine for your bow involves making a educated guess followed by testing. For me, the easiest way to arrive at the educated guess is to use a program like "Stu millers spine calculator".
Luckily for you, you have a very forgiving bow that is almost centershot.
Do a google search for "carbon arrow state university" for a good article that also applies to wood arrows.