Author Topic: practicing  (Read 955 times)

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« on: December 25, 2015, 04:25:53 pm »
 i know its Christmas and all. but had a little time before we pick up our daughter and grand kids and go out to dinner. yea we go out. lol less dishes that way. anyhow, had some stuff to think about so figured be a good time to go out and shoot. took a pizza box from the other night , a large one, filled it full of the last weeks news papers, taped it up then used a board to hold it in place. stepped off 60 feet {20 yards}  down the side of the house into the back yard and set it up. grabbed out my two scalloped bows a hand full of arrows, and strung up the shorter one. aimed for dead center of box. arrow went completely through about 4 inches low from where i wanted it to hit. second shot, arrow right next to that one but only went in about 4 inches { it hit and stuck into that board} 3rd shot made a bang sound coming off the bow hit the box on the left side. { when i went to pull out the arrows that arrow was bent quite a bit lol} i forgot to check them if they were still straight. been propped against a wall in a quiver for awhile now. then i unstrung it. i was happy with it today. last time i shot it i wasnt too impressed with it. just didnt seem to have the "zing" in it. but today there wasnt much time between the zip comeing off the bow and the pop as it hit the box. i was concentrating on the full 23 inch of draw, i think the last time i shot it i was short drawing it.then i strung up that sapwood bow. that thing is a rocket launcher. i love that bow. first arrow i draw to 24 inches { oh yea i did a little more tillering it draws to 24 inches now} its almost 50 at 24. anyhow i let that first arrow loose. almost dead center, through the box full of news papers, across the back yard, past the raised bed between the garage and side fence and  sticks firmly in the back fence! lol so goes that glass arrowhead. in getting it out i busted the point. but i shot that arrow no less than 50 times so im happy with my glass i stack some wood up behinde my makeshift target cause i dont want my arrows going through the gaps in the back fence or anything. next 2 shots through the box very close {within 3 inches either way} of that first arrow and into the lumber. but they didnt seat themselves as good into the chunks of wood. thinking because they had some give unlike the fence.then i realized, last time i shot that shorter bow i shot it after the sapwood bow. so yea it would seem a little more slugish especialy if i was short drawing it. anyways, that stuff that i was thinking about, kind of lost track of that for a minute. which was nice. nothing like going out shootin to clear your head.Tony

Offline Zuma

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Re: practicing
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2015, 09:31:26 pm »
Load, draw, lock and the peripheral world fades. ???
Fire and you slowly return to the present.
The best part of archery is when you and your bow
are unified and strung tight. 8)
 And oh, oh yes there is a release. :)
Yep, even at Christmas time . :o
If you are a good detective the past is at your feet. The future belongs to Faith.