Thanks for the insights guys, I'm hoping to get a kitchen pass today to get in the shop and work on this one later.
Paul, I know you like your heat gun buddy.

If I can get this one evened out I may just heat in a tad more reflex before I draw it out further.
Brad, I know what you mean about the difference between holding the bow in hand and viewing a photo, hard to judge the feel
from a pic. That bottom limb has a bit of a concave back in the last 12" and is already thinned more than the top, it may have to show more stiff than the top when the bow is finished.
Guy, The belly has some evening out to address with some sandpaper to remove some scraper dips before I go any further, hopefully that will help with the flat spots.
Jon, I'm gonna work slowly in the fades when I approach full draw I think.
Thanks Bryce
Rob, Your right it does have a fair amount of character, I don't think final tiller will look even and smooth when done.
Chris, Thanks, I hope I can keep it bending well to full draw without adding any hinges.