So.... thats what I did.
I applyed some oil on the belly and heated it over my stove. then I clamped it on the form again.
After a few hours I took it out of the form and it kept that nice added reflex. Upper limb is still bending a
bit more then the lower but that my positive tiller since the arrow shelf is about 3/4" above center.
Bow feels like it gained a bit of early DW, although I need to shoot it to be sure it really helped.
This is not the first time I`m successfully heat bent ipe, so it can be done despite what everyone say.
It`s not perfect but I`m going to call this one done. I`ll take what I`ve learned from this build and apply it to my next takedown. This build tured out to be fun, I`m sure I`ll want to try again... maybe I`ll make my kids new takedown bows....
Anyway, thank for the help guy. You`r all great!
Here are some pics...(FD pic will hopefully come tomorow)
unbraced (before heat bending):

Braced (before heat bending):

Unbraced (after heat bending):

Braced (after heat bending):