Main Discussion Area > English Warbow

Wych Elm Porn

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I'm leaving Scotland soon, so I decided to get some more wych elm - it's very difficult to get further south.  So I bought a small log for £20 ($40) which yealded 5 near-perfect staves.  I know it's going to twist as it dries, but hopefully I can get one or two decent bows from this.

By the way, is varnish good enough for sealing the ends?

Pat B:
I use spray shellac to seal staves. Varnish should work fine. If you aren't sure you got a good seal give it another spray.   Pat

Nice harvest Simon,
I've used normal white PVA with good results- cheap, easily-obtainable, quick and easy to see what's been covered . 
Why not wire the staves to some angle-iron or dexion whilst they dry to help keep them straight whilst drying?

Nice staves.
I wonder how you can tell the diffeence between English Elm and Wych Elm. I have some that seems to split much easier than other Elm I have cut in the past. I wonder if it may be Wych Elm? Any real difference in appearance of tree, leave or log?
Mark in England

 Very nice staves Simon!


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