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knox geltian hide glue recipes
hey guys iv noticed a lot of you are making ur own hide glue , would like to see some of ur recipies i think it d benfit everyone!! im courious to see what some of ya are using thanks !
try doing a search for "hide Glue" and see what ya come up with.
I haven't got to the Knox Yet But I got 2 containers in the cooler They are kinda drying up but I guess thats OK as long as there is some left when i get to it.
I researched on the web and got frustrated so I tried it on the stove, pan full of cut up rawhide 1/3 water simmer for an hour with the lid almost sealed, stiring occasionally.
Waited til the hide started turning darker then the transformation happened glue, Idont think the smell is as bad as Horn being sanded.
hi dana tryed ur suggestion nothing coming up!! haha iv got a couple good ways ,, but there s a million diffrent ways boiling bones, hooves, horns, rawhide etc just thought it d be fun to see what some of ur personal favorists are for making ur own :) thanks
I use 5 little packets in a medium size bowl and add water ( maybe a cup I dunno) then put it in the microwave for as long as it takes to dissolve..check the consistency. it should be like thin syrup. if it's too thick just add water until it's thin enough. Not real scientific I know but it's always worked for me. Hope this helps you.
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