While finishing up the sinew on a maple short bow I'm making & letting it cure ,I decided to ruff out a new bow & decided to go with the sudbury design since I have always loved that bow since I first saw it, originaly I was thinking osage,but when I was in the shop yesterday going threw my staves there is a stave of perfectly strait Red hickory calling out to me ,I'm sudbury under this bark dummy, so when wood talks to me I listen (yes my wife is making a appointment at the shrink as we speak). But since I'm going with the original design wood ,I was thinking to go with the trapped back like the original but never tried it and only know what I have read TBB and so forth any thoughts ? I'm just comming of a D bow faliure so my self esteem is kinda low, so if it's over my skill level & to exsparmental I would stick with the strait limbs this is my 5th bow build.