Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

Short elm preview

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--- Quote from: mikekeswick on February 29, 2016, 03:28:58 am ---I agree Lukasz - this rule of thumb is dead right.
I also agree with Badger,I've made quite a few like this and without deflexing the fades you will likely lose a fair bit of that shape. I feel that once the wood starts to break down you are fighting losing battle for a good flight bow. I've found it better top add the deflex for less net reflex but you keep more of what you start with and more importantly the wood isn't breraking down.
Good luck - it will be nteresting to hear what distances you get with it.

--- End quote ---

 Maybe so but none of the 500 plus yard wood/sinew bows from the past appear to have been deflexed in any way.

Danzn Bar:
Hey PatM,
Have you braced that sucker yet.  Bet it's tough to string..... ;D

I have to confess that I don't have enough sinew at the moment to proceed. :(

Ok you'll see ;)
I've made a few like this from elm and was just relaying my experience. I hope you manage to keep this profile. How many of these old bows were made from elm?
500 yds is a good challenge.

The point is that nobody is coming close with ANY wood.
 Remember back in the day only Osage and Yew actually worked for bows. ;)


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