Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

Short elm preview

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Aaron H:
Looking very good

Buckeye Guy:
Oh ya !

  One problem I have had with that style is maintaing the profile through tillering and shooting in. It really is critical for top performance. Light arrow flight bows suffer the effects of hysterias much more than heavier bows and even small amounts of set add hysterias. If you can get it out to 23" without taking set it should be a strong shooter.

Lukasz Nawalny:
Looking great! I have simple way to calculate how fast sinew dry - total thickness in mm sguared - results in weeks. For example 3 mm of sinew dry in warm and dry conditions about 9 weeks , I check this with very sensitive scale few times and it works good for me

I agree Lukasz - this rule of thumb is dead right.
I also agree with Badger,I've made quite a few like this and without deflexing the fades you will likely lose a fair bit of that shape. I feel that once the wood starts to break down you are fighting losing battle for a good flight bow. I've found it better top add the deflex for less net reflex but you keep more of what you start with and more importantly the wood isn't breraking down.
Good luck - it will be nteresting to hear what distances you get with it.


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