I recently did an ELB and someone had said that he'd never actually seen a video of someone rough out a stave on a bandsaw.
So, I videoed that, and having done so decided to follow the whole process through to the finished bow.
It's 10 videos, most pretty short but some about 10 minutes.
It was a lot of work and I won't do it again!
Hopefully it's a useful source for relative newbies and I've tried to show stuff that other people gloss over or ignore.
The list of links is on my blog here:-
http://bowyersdiary.blogspot.co.uk/2015/12/yew-elb-build-videos-and-starting.htmlPlease feel free to put comments on Youtube, as it's good to get quality feedback.
(If now't else you can chuckle at my funny accent

BTW. Admin, please feel free to move it to the How to/build along section if considered appropriate.