Author Topic: knife sheath for my daughter's first deer hunting adventure  (Read 7132 times)

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Offline Josh B

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knife sheath for my daughter's first deer hunting adventure
« on: November 30, 2015, 06:00:16 pm »
A couple weeks ago, my oldest daughter asked me to taking her rifle hunting for deer :o.  This was a big shock because up to this point, she has only showed an interest in bird and small game hunting.  Needless to say, I'm more than happy to oblige her on this new endeavor.   I immediately set out to facilitate  this last minute request.  First thing, set her up with a rifle.  First problem, she's a lefty and all my rifles are right handed with either a roll over cheek piece or thumbhole stock.  Decidedly not left hand shooter friendly!  So I kept digging and found an 8 mm German mauser that I had sporterized about 20 yrs ago that did not have a rollover cheek piece.  Lefty friendly, but 8 mm mauser kicks like a mule.  I explained the problem to her and she said get it out.  She would decide if the recoil was too much.  2 boxes of shells later she's demanding more ammo.  OK...recoil not a problem.  Next thing was hunting clothes and boots.  $300 bucks later that problem is solved.  We're starting to hear some muttering from uMomma at this point.  Instead of buying a pop up blind, we decide to build one on the cheap.  $200 later, that pop up is looking like a bargain.  Low growls from Momma now.  Now we need a license and tag and while we're at it, duck stamps.  $100 more and momma's fit to be tied!  My daughter, not paying a bit of attention to her mother's cold fury has the audacity to ask for her own hunting knife since she's gonna be hunting large game now.  And that's when the explosion happened.....  I decided that maybe we had spent enough on this adventure.  I dug out my father-in-laws US Navy MKI fighting knife that he carried in Korea.  Unfortunately the sheath to it has been long since lost.  When I explained to my daughter about the knife's history and that I could make her a lefthanded sheath for it, she was ecstatic.  So I got to work with what I had on hand.  This was my first attempt at leather stamping and I discovered that it is not as easy as I had imagined it to be.  To further complicate things, I have no leather stamps.  I ground the head of a 3/8" bolt to a triangle shape and used that for my stamp.  I'm not real happy with the results, but my daughter is plum tickled.  So I guess that's the important part.  Well...that and we didn't further antagonize Momma with more spending.  Anyway, here's the knife and new lefty sheath such as it is.  Thanks for looking!  Josh

Offline bubby

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Re: knife sheath for my daughter's first deer hunting adventure
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2015, 06:13:24 pm »
Very cool story Josh, good luck on the hunt
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Offline Ranasp

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Re: knife sheath for my daughter's first deer hunting adventure
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2015, 08:02:33 pm »
Funny story, and good job working with what you had.  For stamping, did you case the leather first (wet it and let it dry a bit) and surface cut the parts you wanted raised?  That makes it a lot easier to get clean stamps into the leather.

Offline Aaron H

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Re: knife sheath for my daughter's first deer hunting adventure
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2015, 09:50:35 pm »
This makes me smile,  good for your Josh

Offline osage outlaw

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Re: knife sheath for my daughter's first deer hunting adventure
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2015, 10:36:35 pm »
Nice work Josh.  I hope you and your daughter have successful deer season.  Good luck!
I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left

Offline Pappy

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Re: knife sheath for my daughter's first deer hunting adventure
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2015, 03:52:28 am »
Cool story, good looking knife and good luck on the hunt, nothing like hunting with you kids. Very special memories. :) It's funny how mom's are that way and fathers don't care. :o ::)
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Offline chamookman

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Re: knife sheath for my daughter's first deer hunting adventure
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2015, 04:18:54 am »
Good Luck and have FUN ! Bob
"May the Gods give Us the strength to draw the string to the cheek, the arrow to the barb and loose the flying shaft, so long as life may last." Saxon Pope - 1923.

Offline osage outlaw

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Re: knife sheath for my daughter's first deer hunting adventure
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2015, 09:12:53 am »
If Momma growls to much just remind her why you missed the Classic last year.
I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left

Offline half eye

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Re: knife sheath for my daughter's first deer hunting adventure
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2015, 11:33:10 am »
Cant say about your leatherworkin but that is a real fine rig right there. Got heirloom wrote all over it.
congrats too on your new huntin bud....

Offline stickbender

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Re: knife sheath for my daughter's first deer hunting adventure
« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2015, 03:23:26 pm »

     That came out very nice.  You can do like Ranasp said, plus, you can make serviceable stamps, by using big nails, and cutting the pointed ends off, and threading them, and putting nut on it, for a hammer end, and then take a file the flat head, and file in your design.  You can use the pointed end, filed down, to make, little stars, asterisks, dots, and drill the end for little bumps, or pimple effect etc, for the smaller, detail stamps.  You can get bigger nails for bigger stamps, plus you can thread round head nuts onto screws, or thread a nail, and make round indention's in the leather, there all kinds of stamps, you can make yourself.  Check the thrift stores, for leather.  Like purses, boots, coats, etc.  Or if you need a larger supply, you can order it from some of the larger companies, but not the big T as they are over priced.  Pm me and I can get the names of some of the big companies.  I have the books, packed away at the moment, but I think I can find them, or just google leather companies, in Texas, Wyoming, etc.  You can get catalogs from them, and some will let you order small amounts, or one hide, or sections, plus they have all kinds of tools, and sewing machines.  Good for You and your Daughter.  Tell Mama, that you are teaching her values.  She will know the value of Family, and character, self reliance, and later on in life, she will value things, for the value, and not the price.  The money you spent was a bargain, for the value you and your daughter received, and will continue to receive. Tell Mama it was a one time fee, for a life time of thanks, love, bonding and respect, and a Daughter with a better outlook on life.  Butter it up! ;) ;D ;D


Offline Josh B

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Re: knife sheath for my daughter's first deer hunting adventure
« Reply #10 on: December 03, 2015, 01:36:47 pm »
Thanks fellas!  I just kinda winged it on this one. I did wet the leather, but did not make any cuts.  I didn't even use a hammer, I just pressed the makeshift stamp in by hand.  I just watched a YouTube how to and see now that I didn't do anything the proper way.  Looks like I'll be getting a stamping tool set and a swivel knife if I want to continue this endeavor.  I'm a little frustrated at the moment.  I was supposed to deliver in ND Tuesday and then head home to take my daughter hunting.  Instead, I've been sitting in Sioux city broke down since Monday and still have to deliver my load yet.  Dang old truck anyway!  Thanks for the nice comments fellas!  Josh

Offline Josh B

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Re: knife sheath for my daughter's first deer hunting adventure
« Reply #11 on: December 16, 2015, 01:20:56 pm »
Rifle season ended Sunday and my daughter didn't fire a shot.  She passed on several does and two respectable mature bucks.  She said that if she didn't have to turn the horns sideways to get them through the door, she didn't want it. :o.  So...she hasn't had a chance to try out her knife yet.  We're planning on hunting hard with the bow the week of Christmas.   So she might still get lucky.
   My son and I went out Saturday.  It was his first deer hunting adventure and for the most part he did pretty good.  Sitting still and being quiet for several hours is a lot to ask of a 7 yr old.  He nodded off a couple times and started really getting bored about a 1/2 hour before sunset.  I explained to him that just before dark is when the deer would start moving.  I don't think he believed me because he went back to playing with his tablet.  Two big fat does wandered in and my son never noticed me taking aim.  When I touched off a round he came out of his chair quick!  Lol!  We got out of the blind and i put him to work tracking.  The doe only went 20 yds, but my son  was  no less proud of himself for trailing her down despite the short distance.  Here's a couple pics of the terrain we were hunting and one of my son in one of his less vigilant moments.  It was his job to make sure the deer didn't sneek around behind us.  It started pouring rain at about the time we found the doe, so no pics of the deer.  With any luck maybe my daughter will fill her tag next week and I'll have some pics to share.  Josh

Offline Otis

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Re: knife sheath for my daughter's first deer hunting adventure
« Reply #12 on: December 16, 2015, 06:39:33 pm »
Very cool Josh. Was hoping to take my 6 year old grandson this year but, he didn't want to go.  Can't force them. Good Luck on the late bow season and congrats
on the doe.


Offline Josh B

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Re: knife sheath for my daughter's first deer hunting adventure
« Reply #13 on: December 24, 2015, 10:08:48 am »
Thanks David!  We've been out every morning since Saturday.  Seen some nice does and a few immature bucks the first few days, but nothing that she got excited about...until yesterday.  The muy grandes stood 15 yds broadside in front of the blind and my daughter experienced her first case of buck fever.  By the time she got herself ready to shoot, he winded us and took off for the tall and uncut.  I've seen a lot of nice bucks over the years and this old buck didn't give anything away to any of them.  We'll try again tomorrow.  Until then...Merry Christmas!  Josh

Offline Otis

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Re: knife sheath for my daughter's first deer hunting adventure
« Reply #14 on: December 24, 2015, 12:31:53 pm »
That's priceless. Merry Christmas to you and yours.  Good luck the rest of the season.  Hope she gets another chance at the big boy.
