That came out very nice. You can do like Ranasp said, plus, you can make serviceable stamps, by using big nails, and cutting the pointed ends off, and threading them, and putting nut on it, for a hammer end, and then take a file the flat head, and file in your design. You can use the pointed end, filed down, to make, little stars, asterisks, dots, and drill the end for little bumps, or pimple effect etc, for the smaller, detail stamps. You can get bigger nails for bigger stamps, plus you can thread round head nuts onto screws, or thread a nail, and make round indention's in the leather, there all kinds of stamps, you can make yourself. Check the thrift stores, for leather. Like purses, boots, coats, etc. Or if you need a larger supply, you can order it from some of the larger companies, but not the big T as they are over priced. Pm me and I can get the names of some of the big companies. I have the books, packed away at the moment, but I think I can find them, or just google leather companies, in Texas, Wyoming, etc. You can get catalogs from them, and some will let you order small amounts, or one hide, or sections, plus they have all kinds of tools, and sewing machines. Good for You and your Daughter. Tell Mama, that you are teaching her values. She will know the value of Family, and character, self reliance, and later on in life, she will value things, for the value, and not the price. The money you spent was a bargain, for the value you and your daughter received, and will continue to receive. Tell Mama it was a one time fee, for a life time of thanks, love, bonding and respect, and a Daughter with a better outlook on life. Butter it up!