well it does not seem the bow was not bending evenly,, it still looks to need work,, getting the stiff parts to do their share of the work
fixing a crysal,, is very debatable,,yes it can be done, I have seen the whole belly scraped flat and wood or horn laminated on,and thats alot of work,, you will get alot of opinions on the state of your bow,, and it is really hard to tell from the pic,,
I have a black locust bow that fretted or got a crysal,, I evened up the bow and it is shooting 20 years later( after many tournaments and a nice buck to boot), so it can depend on how severe the damage is,, if it was my bow,, I would even it up the best I could to a lower weight and just see how it goes,, if the damage is light ,,,it may hold up,, or it may get worse and then you would have a wall hanger,,