How do you pull the foreshafts out when you want to, then?
How would hide glue work in comparison, softened with heat when one wants to replace? overkill?
Did you get these shafts from that Florida bamboo supplier?
Should one heat straighten a shaft with tung oil finish on it or is dried tung oil too flammable?
Guess I'd like to know how you did the fletchings too... sinew and hide glue and cut to shape after gluing them on the shaft? or burned?sy
So many questions
-The foreshafts come out, it's just not always easy to get them out.
-Hide glue would work just fine, I just didn't glue these in.
-These shafts are tomato stakes from the hardware store.
-Not sure about straightening tung oil finished shafts, I've never tried that, I don't put a finish on cane shafts, only the insert
-The fletchings are from birds harvested last year and I split and sand them myself. Sinew and hide glue on both ends of the fletchings (a thin layer of tb 3 after they're dry), I used modern glue (fletch tite) to put them on the shaft. Sometimes I only use the sinew and hide glue wraps to keep them on. I trim them down with scissors after I put them down
-I'll post some other sets of arrows soon.
-I'm always ready to try and answer questions