Author Topic: Neanderthals whupped our ancestors butts. We're the inferior halfbreed leftovers  (Read 3240 times)

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Over 20% of the Neanderthal genome is found in the modern human Y chromosome. We share none of our mitochondrial DNA with Neanderthals and no Neanderthal has been found to have modern human YDNA or MT DNA... Meaning these people essentially bred themselves out of existence... Using our women!!!!!     :-[

In “The strength of selection against Neanderthal introgression,” Ivan Juric, Simon Aeschbacher, and Graham Coop also explored the question of how Neanderthal admixture affected human populations. They fit a model to patterns of Neanderthal ancestry to estimate the effects of selection against Neanderthal alleles, and found—as Harris and Nielsen had– that the patterns of Neanderthal ancestry in contemporary humans are best explained by weak purifying selection. Juric et al. also inferred that this selection was tied to population size; although effectively neutral in small Neanderthal populations, these alleles were weakly deleterious and therefore subjected to purifying selection in the larger human populations. Furthermore, they hypothesize that stronger purifying selection on the X chromosome as well as sex-biased matings between Neanderthal males and human females could account for the reduced level of Neanderthal-derived ancestry seen on that chromosome. (This sex-biased admixture could potentially also explain the lack of Neanderthal-derived mitochondrial genomes in human populations).

Offline joachimM

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Hahaha! Pretty amazing, isn't it? Maybe these Neanderthal males didn't just have bigger noses ...
thanks for sharing

Offline Zuma

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Thanks for posting. :)
You should see my brow ridges and weak chin. ???
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Offline bubby

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Point being, we have better looking women😜
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Glad y'all enjoyed the links.

Point being, we have better looking women😜

I dunno, man. We have mitochondrial DNA from Denisovans, who were supposed to be even more "primitive" than the Neanderthals. So these archaic humans may have been highly attractive. I think there was something special about the Neanderthals. I think they might have been more advanced in certain ways, and that some of our "advantages" (like intricate art) were meaningless. For example, they found out that Neanderthals were distilling birch tar 80,000 years ago. Even today people find this difficult to replicate. A lot of the technology we used to think of as being invented relatively recently by us is now being pushed back in time by tens of thousands of years and was in fact invented by Neandethals. We merely learned from them.

We need to use gene therapy to implant full-spectrum Neanderthal DNA in modern humans. They're already talking about doing this in China. They may even clone Neanderthals soon. The future of human evolution lies in cloning and interbreeding with our ancient human ancestors again.

« Last Edit: December 03, 2015, 04:15:44 pm by John32r »

Offline Zuma

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I don't know if it is true but I once read
that a full grown Neanderthal man could throw a
modern linebacker over the goal post. :o
If you are a good detective the past is at your feet. The future belongs to Faith.


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I don't know if it is true but I once read
that a full grown Neanderthal man could throw a
modern linebacker over the goal post. :o

Yes, this is true.
Neanderthal women could also beat champion arm wrestlers.

Offline Pat B

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 The Neanderthal brain was larger than that of modern man but they had different needs so only portions of their brains were developed while other areas remained undeveloped or non existent. Our brains have evolved for a different reality so different portions of our brains have developed and others not.
 I am proud to have Neanderthal DNA in my genome. If it wasn't there I wouldn't be here.  ;)
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline mullet

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Hmmm, the legendary Bigfoot?
Lakeland, Florida
 If you have to pull the trigger, is it really archery?

Offline Pat B

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Only 8 1/2.  ;D
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline willie

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Maybe these Neanderthal males didn't just have bigger noses ...

You think they were that willing?  Maybe it was just easier than dealing with the one back at the cave............


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The Neanderthal female does not really look any different from the average Inuit/Boreal Indian female in terms of the underlying facial bone.

 Interestingly East Asians have the highest Neanderthal DNA and it turns out Neanderthals had dark-ish skin and not-red hair. I think a lot of these older reconstructions are biased toward making Neanderthals look stupid/ugly.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2015, 02:49:28 pm by John32r »

Offline willie

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I think a lot of these older reconstructions are biased toward making Neanderthals look stupid/ugly.

I agree. National Geographic seems to be more political than scientific sometimes. She kinda reminded me of my ex, I guess.