Some people out here, just count the space between the points. I's from the South, I count em all! If it is at least an inch, it gets counted. They call a young four point, a basket buck. A coulie, is a gulley, or to me a big ditch. Some things, I still have a problem learning what they are, but it is slowly sinking in. like arroyo. Anywho, I always wondered the same thing, why is the numbering system different. I think Utah people call mountains mounans,because if you ever flew over those mountains, you would wonder how in the heck did the pioneers, or NA's ever get over them, or through them I think, if you spent the time on foot, or horseback, that it would take to cross those things, you might talk a little funny afterward. "Hey, Josiah, Whar ya been?" "Oer dem moununs. Ran outta carn. Now ah needs a new harse."