Main Discussion Area > HowTo's and Build-a-longs

The amazing adventures of bootboy : The 7 Foot Longbow Build-a-long

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After all the cuts were made to Mr.stave. I began working with 2' chisel and the more then famous, PERSUADER! and with the bevelled edge of the chisel held toward the stave you pretty well could just use hand force. The size of the saw cuts I made, make this like brushing dirt off your arm.

did it again. ugh!

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Annnd just chisel off the bulk

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Be careful when Coming up to knots or other trouble spots, again making small enough cuts with the hacksaw then carefull chiselling you can get through it easily.

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Ah yes, and now a much slimmer Brich stave will begin to take the stage. Here he is after some help from make up and friends.


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