Have you made any new breakthroughs lately? I wonder if there's a preparation of the shoot that may be helpful. Have you tried soaking it in water for a few hours before pulling strips?
No sorry. no news. too busy working in this period.
I havent tried soaking but I'm pretty sure too it would be a good preparation before weaving.
I'm not too sure it would help detaching the strips.
very time consuming I would bet
Not that much. the making of good strips is the part that takes more time.
I bet that with the right thecnic it could be much faster.
That looks pretty good to me..
....with that said i think that basket is just fine.
You are very kind or very good liars

I've made baskets from olive, cane, willow, brambles and other species and the trick is allways to know the material
I'm starting to understand hazel but the strips are still too crude to obtain a good result