^^ thanks.
here's the pack (as it was); front to back: Ever, Jules, Kallie

line at the watering hole:

unfortunately, i had to bury my friend of fourteen years this evening. i'm going to miss that guy:

he was watching me put carve the knocks on my sweet-gum bow (i think he liked the smell of the filings):
here he is with a couple of his foster friends a few years back (Dakota in front and crazy Iris on the right):

Jules and Iris (she's wanted the small part of the stick he broke off):

Juno was the newest adopted addition a few years back:

He's a strange little dog with some pretty bad habits that's i'm still trying to correct, but he's cool none the less.
I have a feeling he's going to be the alpha now (even though he's the smallest).
We'll see