Thanks planb...heres how i do it with dry heat...i copied n pasted from the thread that asked how

Welp...since it was asked i might as well show since im currently making one and doing exactly what the op asked...
Hopefully the pics are self explanatory. ..
First i put the stave clamped up like this with just enough pressure to hold it....
In the first pic you can see it clamped ready for heat,and under the belly where it sits you can see it sitting on a half round red maple sapling trunk (perfectly round)...this is called redneck engineering and using what ya got...ive used this piece countless times over the last 5 years...on top of my clamps is another deflex form and it gives a more subtle elongated bend compared to the sharper bend the maple trunk gives me. Then i start dry heating it along both sides and try to hit underneath as much as i can...i even hit some heat to the top ( but not too much to turn it color like the sides and underneath. Then once its pliable enough you will know when you squezze the clamps as it will move..i only move em little by little,and in between each movements i heat it with heat...and while im squeezing i keep the gun on it.

And the end result...viola!!!!