^ Thanks, this helps a lot.
I am starting to think that my theory is right and that backing can turn a bad board into a shoot able bow.
OK people, I will use silk or linen and not fiberglass, but I suspect that my board will still be of less than stellar quality. Of course, I have to find it first. Will check at few other places tomorrow.
A bad board is still a bad board. Backing is not the savior of all bows. It can save some, but most of the issues you run into are mistakes by the bowyer himself.
seems like black locust is replanted in some places for firewood? maybe could find a nice piece for reasonable price.
Black Locust is used all over Europe for more than just fire wood. They don't yet have (hopefully never will) Locust Borers, so they can use the wood for furniture more readily.
About boards, I think boards are harder to make bows out of than Staves.
About the use of fiberglass (Spits on the ground), It's a mess. It is a health hazard. It stinks. It is a fire hazard.
It does have its place, but in my opinion it is not here.