So, Red Oak bow got some purple heart overlays to match the riser

The bow felt good so I put it on a string, the lower limb was a tad stiff, couple minutes with 100 Grit put it back on the string at a low brace did a few shot pulls and it showed immediately a 1/8" positive
so now it's braced at 3 3/4" and it's sweating for the day, I periodicaly check it so see if it changes.

since the Guava is close to be on a string too I cut the grooves

The bark is still on in many places, hopefully it will pop of as I tiller and shoot the bow

Now the Vine Maple,.....time to start the heat correcting process

Unfortunately that method didn't work, the bow kept popping out the clamp, so I tried a different approach
It worked and I got the lever a bit past straight to aloud some spring back

I think I'll need to do some correcting at the handle to get the tip aligned.
On the bright side it felt that the Vine Maple was responding well to the heat, I'm more confident now in being able to deflex the inner limbs