My grandson is 9 yrs old, and fairly small for his age. Thought I'd teach him weapons handling, safety and shooting technique. My .22 rifle was/is too big for him to handle and shoot accurately so he needed a gun built for a youngster. I couldn't find a used single shot to redo so had to settle for a Crickett, single shot, bolt action rifle and hand make a scope base for it.
He's a real good kid and listens well for 9 yrs old. He is a natural crack shot too. I wanted to share his very first day....after sighting in he nailed his "rabbit" 5 out of five (3 shots sitting and 2 shots standing) at 50 yards. A couple more sessions and then we'll see how he does on real "small game".
I'm real proud of Trenton for his listening and taking his safety lessons to heart.