Author Topic: Propeller twist or maybe spiral twist ??  (Read 1977 times)

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Offline bambam

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Propeller twist or maybe spiral twist ??
« on: October 14, 2015, 06:29:56 pm »
Using saplings known as Serviceberry  in US or the Cree word in Canada Saskatoon I noticed they twisted when drying. Figured this was what was known as propeller twist but after seeing the pics from Riverrat's recent post knew this was not the case. The Saskatoon saplings I have been working with develop a spiral twist while drying that does not bend the stave. The first one I tried was not fully dried when worked and twisted causing it to fail. The second was fully dry but delaminated 2 growth rings because of a knot on the back. Have 2 seemingly perfect ones in the basement over 2 inches thick that are going to dry for 18 months with glued ends. Serviseberry is incredibly tough so ones 2.5 inch thick should be able to cut to centre with a recurve type handle.
He was honest for a politician, meaning he would not steal a red hot stove.   Mark Twain

Offline bowandarrow473

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Re: Propeller twist or maybe spiral twist ??
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2015, 08:26:13 am »
Never experienced much warping myself, all the hickory, elm, dogwood, mulberry, and privet I have cut has been reduced down to rough bow dimensions and let rest, occasionally, I might get a little warping but it is never much.
I have heard service berry likes to warp a lot though.
Whatever you are, be a good one.


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Re: Propeller twist or maybe spiral twist ??
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2015, 11:16:10 am »
you have pics? i think i figured out a way to get that prop twist out of my ruffed out elm bow. this is the first time this ever happened to me like this. ive always split, debarked, ruffed out, waited a couple weeks,heat bent any corrections. waited a couple of weeks. tillered to brace. waited a week, tiller it./shoot the heck out of it. worst ever before this was tips twisting a little once in a great while. once i had a little sideways bend but not too bad. this bow though, wouldnt budge with dry heat. so i made a steam heat set up. ie. 2 rocks on top of my wood stove to hold up the ruffed out bow. a cast iron fry pan under bow with water in it. about 3 hours later i screwed it into a home made clamp set up on my porch steps. check out my post. lol it looks like its gonna work this time.Tony